Phase 4


Time to roll up our sleeves. We create and test solutions to arrive at working prototypes.

a) Experiment with Solutions

During the Microlabs, we set up a real experiment for the first time. How? Various teams, including engaged citizens, researchers, and entrepreneurs, act as inventors. During a 5-day Design Sprint, they further develop the innovative ideas from the Make-a-ton, have them tested by citizens and experts, and develop them into working prototypes. Citizens can also participate in a Microlab, so you are welcome too. There is room for experimentation: let your creativity flow, try, fail, get up, and try again. Technologists are ready to advise the teams in developing prototypes.

In our microlabs on understandable healthcare, four teams developed prototypes:

  • Dolox: a smart watch for monitoring pain levels
  • RingMe: a phone bot for non-native speakers to prepare for a doctor’s visit in their own language
  • Spexter: an app that translates your medical report into understandable explanations
  • MIA: a web tool to find customized psychological help

During an Experiment Café inventors unveil their prototypes for the first time to anyone interested. They collect feedback. Does it work well? What is still missing? What can be improved?

b) Make Solutions Sustainable

We bring partners together and support them in further testing, shaping, and turning prototypes from the Microlabs into a product or service accessible to as many people as possible.

Comon's approach

Curious how phase 4 'Experiment' fits within a complete Comon process? This timeline will get you started.

Phase 1
Collect Challenges
Is active
Phase 2
Explore Problems
Phase 3
Generate Solutions
Phase 4
Phase 5
Evaluate and Learn