Stad Gent

City of Ghent

Ghent has 260,000 inhabitants, living in an area of almost 16 thousand hectares. Comon is here for all cititens of Ghent, in the city centre and in all 25 neighborhoods around Ghent. From Zwijnaarde and Tolhuis to Wondelgem.

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Innovation is never limited to a laboratory or research institution. Listening, collaborating, and the drive to make something better are essential conditions for successful innovation. As a city, we want to be challenged through Comon to harness the power of co-creation and provide all residents of Ghent with the opportunity to be healthy and stay healthy.
Mayor Mathias De Clercq


As a world-renowned research center for nano-electronics and digital technology, imec aims to contribute to a better future.

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We believe that the technological revolutions imec is working on can contribute to a healthier life. Citizens play a crucial role in this evolution. With an initiative like Comon, we can involve them in research from the outset, to achieve human centered innovation.
Luc Van den hove
CEO imec
Universiteit Gent

Ghent University

Ghent University is one of the largest universities in Belgium, founded in 1817, with over 47,000 students and 15,000 staff members. With the slogan 'Dare to Think,' Ghent University challenges everyone to critically examine society.

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Piet Demeester
Digital technology can make people's lives healthier, happier, and safer... in short, better. Provided that technology serves humanity. Not the other way around. At Ghent University, we believe this can only be achieved through collaboration. Across the boundaries of (academic) disciplines.
Piet Demeester
Head imec-IDLab-UGent, UGent Delta
Bibliotheek De Krook

Library De Krook

Library De Krook is a place for everyone who wants to read, learn, and live. The building houses over 200,000 books, CDs, and DVDs. The name 'De Krook' refers to an old term for a bend or fold, which is a reference to the bend in the river where ships used to unload coal.

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As a library, we believe it's important to familiarize people with the possibilities and challenges of technology, while also raising awareness. This helps them develop the skills to navigate the technological revolution.
Krist Biebauw
Director Library De Krook

Avansa Ghent

Avansa Ghent offers a range of educational activities, often in collaboration with other organizations. Adults can meet, exchange ideas and learn from one another. Together with Comon, Avansa brings people together around societal challenges and involves them in the debate on innovative solutions.

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Image is the media lab of Ghent University, the city's go-to radio station of choice, and a reference in music and culture. supports Comon in audio technology and communication, building bridges between Comon and its own radio and media operations. Through radio specials and regular programming, it translates Comon’s projects into engaging broadcasts.

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