Comon's approach

You don't have a healthy city overnight. Therefore, this step-by-step approach of gathering challenges, exploring problems, coming up with solutions and experimenting.

Aanpak Comon

Comon's approach

Every Comon journey follows 5 stages. Discover them below.

Phase 1

Collect Challenges

Comon listens to Ghent’s society. What keeps citizens of Ghent awake at night? What is missing to make Ghent an even better city?
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Is active
Phase 2

Explore Problems

What problems do the citizens of Ghent experience? What existing solutions are there? And why is it still an issue?
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Phase 3

Generate Solutions

We brainstorm about technological solutions on a human scale. In collaboration with everyone who cares about Ghent.
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Phase 4


Time to roll up our sleeves. We create and test solutions to arrive at working prototypes.
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Phase 5

Evaluate and Learn

We evaluate our work. We talk to everyone who has contributed to Comon. Because there is always room for improvement.
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Our 10 building blocks

Clear focus

Comon starts with a clear focus:  one societal challenge that keeps citizens of Ghent awake at night. A challenge that is relevant to a broad group of citizens and for which a solution really improves our society.

Step-by-step approach

Comon works according to the principles of ‘design thinking.’ More specifically:  we explore the problem, brainstorm possible solutions, develop prototypes and test them, and finally evaluate.

Tangible solutions

Comon makes solutions tangible and testable. Not just thinking but also doing. That’s how we make a difference.

Making progress

Comon consists of an enthusiastic group of doers. You can feel that energy up to the top of Ghent’s Belfry. Not just words, but actions too.

Experimental mindset

Comon creates a safe environment to try, fail and iterate. A space that stimulates thinking outside the box.

Citizen participation

Comon works for and together with citizens. We give voice to the citizens of Ghent and involve them in the solutions. After all, there’s an inventor in everyone.


As a matchmaker, Comon fosters encounters between researchers, entrepreneurs, policymakers and citizens. An unconventional collaboration of people who would not often cross paths. With that unique blend of different disciplines, we inspire and push boundaries.

Physical location

Comon has a large, central location where partners and participants of activities meet. We open our doors to a wide audience.

Empowering partners

Different partners help Comon move forward. Backed up by their expertise, we’re able to move mountains. In return, Comon helps them achieve their goals.

Broad communication

Comon aims to reach as many people as possible. To inform them and give them a voice. That’s why we keep our communication accessible. Comon also serves as a platform between researchers, entrepreneurs, policymakers and citizens.