Comon project Understandable Healthcare

The Comon project on Understandable Healthcare has been completed. Curious about the results? Discover the prototypes developed to make care more understandable and read the final report.

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Protoypes Understandable Healthcare

During Comon's Microlabs, four prototypes were developed to make care more understandable: Dolox, RingMe, ExplainMed and MIA.



Dolox: a smart watch to track your pain. You can record your pain level (1-10) at set times and answer questions using a simple system. The data is uploaded to a dashboard three times a day, allowing the doctor to monitor your pain experience and propose a personalized treatment during consultations.



RingMe: a phone bot for non-native patients to prepare for doctor visits. It calls the patient in their own language to clarify the next appointment and share practical information. Additionally, RingMe assists during the time between appointments, even when an interpreter is suddenly unavailable. This ensures that more patients are well-prepared for their doctor visits.



ExplainMed: AI makes doctor's reports understandable to all. With an app, a patient can scan complex medical documents, such as reports from examinations or consultations, and convert them into understandable information. Medical reports often contain complicated jargon that is difficult for the average patient to comprehend.



MIA: a web tool to find customized psychological help. The idea behind MIA is that for people seeking psychological support, it is often very difficult to find the right person. It can be quite complicated to figure out what kind of help you need (psychoanalysis, systemic therapy, etc.), and many people don’t immediately know what exactly is “wrong” with them.

Protoypes Plezierig bewegen

Tijdens de Miniproeftuinen over Plezierig bewegen zijn 2 prototypes ontwikkeld om bewegen doorheen de stad plezieriger te maken: UrbanCubby en Revonc.



UrbanCubby: slimme kluisjes vol sport- en spelmateriaal in de stad. Via een webapplicatie kunnen bezoekers van parken en sportlocaties spel- en sportmateriaal zoals kubb, badmintonsets, petanque, spikeball, frisbees en voetballen direct ontgrendelen en gebruiken.



Revonc: een app om samen te bewegen na kanker. Via een webapplicatie kunnen mensen met een kankerervaring na hun ziekenhuistraject in beweging blijven onder begeleiding van een oncologiecoach.

Miniproeftuin, wasda?

Comon, dat is experimenteren en mensen samenbrengen. Precies wat we doen tijdens de Miniproeftuinen. Daarin gaat een divers team van uitvinders aan de slag om een innovatief idee verder vorm te geven en uit te testen tot een echt werkend prototype. Ontdek alles over de Miniproeftuinen van Comon.
